Web site layouts will be produced in a vector graphics program illustrating layouts and design elements. Once the initial design is approved, it will be converted to html and temporarily posted to show function and use. Graphics will be converted to web-ready forms and all links and animation, if any, will be functional. Once the overall site is approved, and final payment is received, all materials will be transferred to disc and delivered to the customer or directly to customer's webmaster.


Flash animations can come in many different sizes and durations. The above price reflects a ‘full page’ introduction ranging up to 45 seconds in length. Smaller projects would reflect a smaller fee and inversely, larger projects a larger fee.

Animated gifs, as you see directly above, are typically small in size and short in duration. The example above is a 2 celled animation that in turn, is looped infinitely. These types of animations start at $45 and increase in price as the number of cells and duration of the scene increases.

Producing web ready graphics is another feature offered by SMart studio. This is when you only need the designing of a few elements such as headers, title bars, buttons, icons and so on. This allows you to use your existing site and spice it up a bit with fresh graphic elements, without enduring the cost of a total makeover. Web ready graphics are priced as miscellaneous literature.

To see examples of past Web projects, click link.

A 50% deposit is required on all new projects.

Please remember, as with all projects displayed on this site for example purposes, these images are not to be reproduced or used in any way without expressed written permission as they are the property of the client/creator.
All rights are reserved, copyright SMart Studio 2002.